Terms & Conditions
Read our Privacy Policy to learn how we protect your information and uphold your rights to personal data privacy.
1. Introduction
These Terms of Service (“Terms”) govern your use of our website located at https://assistrank.com/ (“Website”) and any related services provided by AssistRank (Leadiser SEO Strategy Agency).
You agree to abide by these Terms by accessing or using the Website.
2. Definitions
- “Service” refers to the services accessed via the Website, including but not limited to free SEO audits, checklists, SEO consultancy bookings, discovery calls, quotes, and other related services.
- “You” refers to the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company or organization on whose behalf that individual is accessing the Service.
3. Use of the Service
- You agree to use the Service only for purposes that are permitted by these Terms and any applicable laws and regulations.
- You may not exploit the Service in any unauthorised way.
4. Restrictions
- Republishing, selling, renting, or sub-licensing content from the Website is prohibited.
- Using the Website in any damaging way or that could be damaging to the Website is prohibited.
- Using the Website contrary to applicable laws and regulations or in a way that causes harm to the Website, any person, or business entity is prohibited.
5. Termination
We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Service without any advance notice.
6. Changes to the Service
We reserve the right to modify or replace these Terms at any time. If a revision is material, we will make reasonable efforts to provide at least 30 days notice before any new terms taking effect.
7. Disclaimer
Our Service and the information on our Website are provided on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. AssistRank makes no express or implied representations or warranties of any kind related to the Website or the materials contained on the Website.
8. Limitation of Liability
In no event will AssistRank, nor its directors, employees, or partners, be liable to you for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the Service, whether such liability is under contract, tort, or otherwise, and AssistRank, including its directors, employees, and partners, shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of the Service.
9. Governing Law
These Terms will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in the United Kingdom for the resolution of any disputes.
10. Contact Us
For any questions or inquiries regarding these Terms, please get in touch with us.
Email: info@assistrank.com
Last Updated: 04.11.2023